Well, yes, that’s the truth, but it doesn’t mean we haven’t been making salami and lots of bacon. I just opened the latest of some Finnocchiona and Soppresatta, my two staples these days.
Bacon has been great, it’s so good I rarely eat commercial bacon any more. Ask any of my friends they’ll tell you.
I guess this post is about the fact that there have been over 200 spam comments, guess what, it won’t do any good, if anything it makes you not want to post anything at all.
After a real fun day at Lost Abbey letting the bar tender match beer with salami, they’re now putting together a party featuring salami (from licensed providers) and beer, which is great, I hope some day to be one of the providers, but for now it’s a hobby.
This weekend we’ll put together another big batch of 35 lbs or so. I’m open to ideas but I’m thinking some more bacon and bourbon (Jack Daniels is apparently a licensed trademarked name so it’s just bourbon). Maybe another smoked salami similar to the Spanish salchichon but add my own flare to it.
I’m certainly open to comments, but if you are a spammer, save me the trouble of deleting your shit please, I don’t need help with SEO and I’m not posting any links to your shit ass scams, so save it!
One guy actually suggested more pictures and less text (with a couple of links to scam sites included).
I write this blog to try and engage other like minded amateur salami makers, to expand my knowledge and meet new people, not promote Viagra! Geez!