Salami and Beer

O.K. we had some real fun last night.  My brother was in town and we went to Lost Abbey / Port Brewing for some IPAs.  We both like those.  I had sample bags of the Finocchiona, Tarragon Special, Calabrese and Soppressa Veneta da Friuili.  We were having a good time eating and “tasting” their 4 fantastic IPA’s, when Leslie the beer server was challenged to pair the salami’s with different beers.

The results were somewhat amazing.  Not one of the beers she paired were beers I would normally have ordered, but every one accentuated the salami in a great way.  I really wish I could remember the specifics, I think it was a saison that was paired with the Soppressa Veneta da Friuili, which really matched up with the droga dolce spice blend.  Very interesting.  Then the Finocchiona went with a lager that was very tasty.

The point here is that it was a fantastic experience of taste and it made the beer better and the salami better.  I still like my IPA (especially the Mongo) but the other beers that I normally never give a second look were real eye openers.  It’s also making me think more about new salami flavors and spice blends.

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