Did the 30+ Year Old Salami Case Really Die?

Oh what fun, the weekend after making the largest batch of salami I have ever made I have my old fridge die!

For those that don’t know what to do in this situation let me explain how I dealt with it.

First – blue ice is your friend.  I was able to keep the temperature right around 60 degrees F. with 4 blue ice bags, rotated every 6-12 hours.  Luckily we’re here on the coast were the ambient temperature stays below 80.

Then we start the calls to Craig’s List.  I found a 18 year old GE side by side 23 cubic foot fridge and got it down from $90 to $65.  So with a quick trip with the horse trailer we had a new refrigerator.  Drill a couple of holes in the back, feed the cords through and we’re back in business.

No stress, it’s only 35lbs of meat.   glad that one’s over with.


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