Hello Salami Makers

So here’s the big questions we need to cover in this first post:

  1. Why am I writing this blog?
  2. How did I start making salami?

So let’s get started.  I am writing this blog because I have a passion for making salami.  I’ve figured out a few things and thus far I have not gotten anyone sick, and they really like the salami.

Let’s be clear, I don’t sell salami, that is against the law because I am not licensed.  I share it with friends and that’s about it so far.  My last batch was 35 lbs. made up of 5 varieties and a lot of people ask me if I’m selling it.  The answer is always no, but if you would like to try some I would be happy to share.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

You should also understand that there’s a good reason the government makes it very very hard to make and sell salami, if you goof it up you can kill people.  I started making salami after reading two books about how to do it safely.  I bought the appropriate products and I’m following sanitation procedures explicitly.  there is no second chance on that part of salami making and I can’t imagine how bad I would feel if someone got really sick from my salami (or any food I prepare for that matter).

O.K. so the answer to number 1 is that I really like salami, I think I have something to offer in terms of sharing my experience, and I really don’t want anyone to screw up and get someone sick.

For number 2 it’s a little less clear.  I’ve always cooked a lot of food, really well.  I don’t think I could ever be a chef because when you come to my house for dinner the answer to “when will it be ready” is not like the TV shows or a restaurant, it’s more likely – “when it’s ready” or “why is my wine glass empty”.  My friends often ask why I never opened a restaurant and the answer is always the same, “because I really like cooking”.  I started making my own sushi 10 years ago, now everyone does it, I was doing home made pasta and sauces from scratch in the early 90′s and now everyone has a pasta maker.

The reason I started making salami is two fold, I really like salami, and it’s something a little different that not every foodie trendy suburban me-too guy is going to pursue.

When I go to a brewery (luckily here in San Diego we have a bunch of them) I take a bag of sliced fresh salami, who makes more friends than me? as Jim Harbaugh would say…. NOOOOOOOBody!

Anyway, I hope I help those truly interested, and at the very least wet your appetite to try some of the most amazing meat products available!


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